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Эрдмийн зэрэг, цол: Доктор (Ph.D),

Албан тушаал: Ахлах багш

Цахим шуудан: erdenebold@stda.edu.mn

Төгссөн сургууль:

  • 2001-2005 онд ШУТИС-ийн ДаТС бакалавр,
  • 2007-2009 онд ШУТИС-ийн ДаТС магистр,
  • 2016-2020 онд БНСУ-ын Пукёон Үндэсний Их Сургуулийг техникийн ухааны доктор (Ph.D)

Судалгааны ажлын чиглэл: Ашигт металлыг хаягдал болон байгалийн түүхий эдээс ялган авах, металлын үйлдвэрлэл, шинж чанарыг сайжруулах судалгаа

Эрдэм шинжилгээний бүтээлүүд:

A Study on the Recovery of Foundry Cast Iron and Reutilizing By-Product from Copper Smelting Slag: Техникийн ухааны д-рын (Ph.D) зэрэг горилсон диссертац: Хамгаалсан 2020.07.07, БНСУ, (Бусан хот Пукёон Үндэсний Их Сургууль)

  • Recovery of Pig Iron from Copper Smelting Slag by ReductionSmelting, Urtnasan Erdenebold, Jei-Pil Wang, Archives ofMetallurgy and Materials, 2018, 63(4), 1793-1798,https://doi.org/10.24425/amm.2018.125106
  • Gold Recovery from Flotation Concentrate from Gold MineTailings using Dissolve Smelting, Urtnasan Erdenebold, Jei-PilWang, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy,2019, 55(3)B, 343-349, https://doi.org/10.2298/JMMB181005038E
  • A Study on Reduction of Copper Smelting Slag by Carbon forRecycling into Metal Values and Cement Raw Material,Urtnasan Erdenebold, Jei-Pil Wang, Sustainability, 2020, 12,1421; https://doi:10.3390/su12041421
  • Manufacture of Low Sulphur Pig Iron from Copper slag,Urtnasan Erdenebold, Jei-Pil Wang, Archives of Metallurgy andMaterials, 2020, 65(1), 349-355,https://doi.org/10.24425/amm.2020.131737
  • Chemical and Mineralogical Analysis of Reformed Slag duringIron Recovery from Copper Slag in the Reduction Smelting(accepted, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, manuscriptnumber AMM-00252-2019-04).
  • A study on the recovery of precious metals from gold mine tailings, 110th conference of The Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers 2018.
  • Influence of CaO addition on viscosity of fayalite slag, poster, Recycling Korea 2018, Jeju, Korea.

  • Desulfurization of recovered pig iron from copper slag, Korea Society of Waste Management. 2018.
  • A study on desupfurization of recovered cast iron from copper smelting slag. Recycling Korea-2020, 2019.
  • Effect of cao Addition on Sulphur Removal from Pig Iron Recovered and Structure Analysis of Reformed Slag, in Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute, 2019.

  • A study on reduction of copper smelting slag by carbon for recycling into metal values and cement raw material, in the 15th International Symposium on East Asian resources recycling technology “Earth 2019” Korea.
  • A Study on the synthesis of lithium Carbonate from waste acidic sludge. International joint conference of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (CMSME 2020), Jan 10-12, 2020.

  • Development of fundamental technology for reutilizing iron and by-product from copper slag, supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), KOREA. 2017-2020.
  • Development of fundamental technology for synthesis of lithium Carbonate from waste acidic sludge, supported by Pukyong National University Development Project Research Fund 2019.
  • A study on the recovery of valuable materials from photovoltaic ribbon in spent solar module. supported by the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP).